What you should know about SOLENSIA and LIBRELA for your fur baby with Osteoarthritis


Author: Tami Kersch

Blog shared with permission from Furbabies

There has been much discussion about the veterinarian-approved injections for treating osteoarthritis in pets: Solensia (for cats) and Librela (for dogs). These are administered by veterinarians on a monthly basis. While many pet parents find these medications extremely helpful in alleviating joint issues associated with arthritis, others report experiencing devastating side effects

These drugs have been touted as a “breakthrough” for managing arthritis pain. They use monoclonal antibodies that attach to Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which is responsible for causing inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. The idea is that by inhibiting NGF, these medications can reduce pain, potentially allowing pets to enjoy pain-free days and an improved quality of life. However, these effects may be short-lived for some and some pet parents are now witnessing adverse results due to the impact on NGF.

The body naturally produces antibodies to fight off foreign or dangerous cells. However, when these drugs affect the natural immune response, they can sometimes trigger autoimmune issues, causing the body to attack its own healthy cells. Just as chemotherapy can affect fast-dividing cells indiscriminately, leading to hair loss and other side effects, Solensia and Librela can impact various cells beyond their intended targets. This can result in severe side effects for some pets.

Side Effects of NGF Inhibition:

  • Pain at the injection site

  • Skin infections

  • Neurological issues

  • Loss of urinary control

  • Loss of limb control

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Lethargy

  • Changes in appetite

  • Mood changes

  • Weight loss

  • Death

Some side effects can appear after just 1-2 injections, while others may not become evident for months.


The functional mushroom Lion’s Mane has been shown to improve NGF, as demonstrated in numerous studies. It contains neuroactive compounds that promote NGF growth, which can be beneficial for pets severely affected by Solensia and Librela. Additionally, this mushroom has been found to enhance cognitive function, potentially counteracting some side effects of these drugs.


We strongly advocate for natural remedies to assist pets dealing with arthritis. Aging pets often slow down, struggle with jumping, and may seem less happy. To improve their quality of life, we developed Feline and K-9 Easy Joints.

These all-natural, human-grade drops are formulated to reduce inflammation and joint pain. The combination of top functional mushrooms and adaptogens has shown remarkable efficacy in alleviating joint pain and stiffness. These drops are also beneficial for younger animals who may have injured a muscle or joint during vigorous play or activity.

**K-9 Easy Joints Oral Drops 50mL 100% Fruiting body No alcohol

**Feline Easy Joints Oral Drops 50mL 100% Fruiting body No alcohol

Ingredients in Feline and K-9 Easy Joints:

  • Ashwagandha Root: Immune support, inflammation, pain relief

  • Beta-Caryophyllene (West African Black Pepper): Inflammation, pain relief, calming effect

  • Camelia Sinensis: Antioxidant, antimicrobial activities

  • Chaga: Reduces inflammation, boosts immune system

  • Cone Flower (Echinacea): Immune function, pain relief, reduces inflammation

  • Cordyceps: Supports lung and kidney health

  • Frankincense: Reduces inflammation, supports respiratory and gut health

  • Lion's Mane: Enhances cognitive function, protects cells

  • Maca: Increases muscle mass, energy, and endurance

  • MCT Oil: Supports coat and skin health

  • Hemp Seed Oil: Good source of omega 3, 6, 9

  • Myrcene Terpene (from mangos): Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative

  • Reishi: Adaptogenic, supports stress response

  • Spirulina: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, rich in omega-3 & 6, vitamins E, C, and B6

  • Turmeric: Reduces inflammation, aids digestion, respiratory health

  • Turkey Tail: Immunomodulator, protects against pathogens

If your pet is suffering from the side effects of Solensia or Librela, there are natural options available.

FurBabies—helping your pet naturally!



Neurohealth Properties of LMM  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5987239/

A recent study on Lions Mane & NGF.  https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230213/Active-compound-in-Lione28099s-Mane-mushroom-improves-nerve-growth-and-memory.aspx

About the Author: 

Tami Kersch - Editor, Blogger, Animal Lover...CEO

Tami is the CEO of FurBabies. An animal lover and activist from an early age, Tami has also been a serial entrepreneur. She started her first business in the film and TV market owning and operating one of Canada's largest film studios. After 15 years of running the company Tami decided she wanted a break to pursue something that would get her closer to her real passion...fur babies. She saw a niche in the plant based wellness for pets and in 2012 opened Apawthecary Pets, a wholistic wellness company that produced plant based supplements and treats for dogs, cats and horses. She grew the company from a small operation to a national brand in over 2500 stores. In 2019 she sold the company to a larger conglomerate that promised to take the company globally, Tami saw this as a way to help furbabies world wide. the new buyers unfortunately closed the doors.

Heartbroken that she could no longer help all the pets out there, fortunately she was approached by a number of companies. "FurBabies stood out to me as they too are all about the animals and not the great mighty dollar, and I agreed to join their team. I am thrilled to be back helping pet parents and animals and feeling complete again. " and the rest as they say is history. Today Furbabies Pet Products are gaining ground across Canada and making in roads into International sales in the USA, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Pet Grocer note:

The FDA recently (Dec 2024) issued a warning notice to veterinarians about frequently adverse reports with Librela and Solensia. You can read about it here and here.